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Your search for wish* found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 371-380 of 897, with best matches first:

371. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: Happy New Year and marry Slavic Christmas! - eldragon, January 01, 2002...
 Re: Happy New Year and marry Slavic Christmas! Hi Wayne, just got back from the 'old country' (went back first time after 15...
372. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: new sounds! - Matts, December 04, 2007 at 16:00:26
I ran the 2226 for awhile with the C4 cap in the xover, but without the zobel, and it sounded ok, but opened up a lot more...
373. PiSpeakers Forum - 3 way xover - David Morehouse, May 18, 2008 at 20:49:14
to biamp a pi7 can I use the 3 way xover and just not hook up the woofer to it? By doing this I have the xover avaliable if I...
374. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: i've seen the lights!!!! - Rider, December 30, 2001 at 05:54:13
Re: i've seen the lights!!!! Now, the million dollar question George. -------- drum roll ---------- ----- Is the house still...
375. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: kappa 15lf vs kappa 18 - freddyi, March 18, 2002 at 13:47:03
Re: kappa 15lf vs kappa 18 Hi George - without added source Z your driver would be 8.4cu.ft. QB3, f3~34Hz, fb~29Hz - could...
376. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: which garden hose speaker wire is shown... - replicant808, October 24,...
Re: which garden hose speaker wire is shown... thanks about the cabinet! as for the is van den hul magnum. not...
377. Pi Speaker Forum - Bah, forget about it... - Adam, June 15, 2002 at 07:11:53
Bah, forget about it... I can't get a @$(**%&&(*%@(&*@#(&*@^% goddamn credit card to pay for the shit. I have the money, I just...
378. Pi Speaker Forum - last time I flew - Sam P., July 09, 2002 at 12:17:12
last time I flew I wore foam plugs one way, and had no ear discomfort or stuffy feeling afterwards at all. Coming home I forgot...
379. Pi Speaker Forum - Paint programs - Wayne Parham, September 13, 2002 at 15:31:34
Paint programs The plans are sent as relatively high resolution image files, but rather than my re-sending, I suggest you...
380. Pi Speaker Forum - Journal of a First-time Builder - Pt 4: Functioning Speakers x2! - garman,...
Journal of a First-time Builder - Pt 4: Functioning Speakers x2! The weather over the weekend was good and I was able to...

Documents 371-380 of 897 displayed.

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