Re: Archie difital files on a hard drive

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 03, 2004 at 15:44:56:

In Reply to: Re: Archie difital files on a hard drive posted by akhilesh on September 03, 2004 at 06:37:22:

Good reply. I did not mean to suggest that mods are of no value but re-reading my own post I see I may have done that. I really mean't to express the thought that mods are not always beneficial especially with vintage gear. I always replace vintage electrolytics only because you have too since they dry out. I like carbon-comp resistors but lots of others don't and I understand why, they are soft and lacking detail. I think of all the mods to vintage gear replacing connections and coupling caps does the most good.
Some of the recent mods I have done is to replace the rectifier diodes in the AES pre-amp with Hex-Freds. That helped as I stated in the post on the tubes forum. I have replaced the entire power supply in my Dyna 70 and it sounds better.
I am familiar with that group you mention concerning Tuners. I have a Sherwood tube tuner and I noticed they thought highly of that model. I called them on the phone to discuss mods and they told me not to touch it as long as it worked and sounded good.
I have the AES pre-amp but I don't recall they made a 6bm8 based amp, which one is that?
How you like that Yamaha and which speakers sound good with it. I know you have the Single Driver Fosteks and the Klipschorns. I respect your opinion thats why I ask, so isn't the point of both of these speakers to refuse brute power, but to sound good with low power well controlled tubes, triode
SE in fact. Wasn't the Klipschorn voiced with a Brook SE amp?
I have a question that I have spent some time considering, when you put passive baffle step correction or frequency contour circuits in line with Single Drivers why not just bite the bullet and add a tweeter? What would be the gain in using one driver if you have to use a xover after all? I know about the point source thing but if you listen from 10 feet away whats the difference? I am rambling I see, thanks AK for any reply you have,J.R.


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