CORAL BX-1500 Speakers

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Posted by rohlofk [ ] on November 15, 2004 at 13:19:38:

I have a pair of Coral BX-1500 Speakers. They are 150 watt, 6-way/7-speaker monsters with 15" Woofer and seperate (optional) input for treble, mid, and bass. Feq range claimed is 25-25000 and I believe tham. The Problem: one of the cones has been vandalized by a crazed ex-son-in-law. Cone is ripped on a 6-1/2" Low Middler (800-5kHz).

I'm looking for any input or suggestions re how I might go about replacing or restoring the speaker. I'm pretty sure Coral no longer exists--maybe bought out by ?????

I bought the set in Japan in 1970. They were the absolute best at the time and have held up over the years.


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