Shure V 15Vxmr initial disappointment. Help needed!

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Posted by Kuja [ ] on July 14, 2005 at 06:56:29:


The time to replace my ageing Ortofon MC1 Turbo (high output MC) had come.
After reading some very good reviews, I decided to treat myself with three times more expensive Shure V 15Vxmr. It is supposed to be a natural match to my retro vinyl setup - a Thorens TD126MkI and SME 3009 s2 improved. Phono stage is a Graham Slee Gram Amp 2 SE.

My new cartridge needs some break-in period.
How long?
How should it sound brand new and what changes in sound breaking-in will bring?

My first impressions are mixed...
Shure sounds more musical that Ortofon and the bass is fuller, firmer and stronger.
But, treble is problematic. There is some lack of high frequency resolution, cymbals are a bit splashy, dull, lifeless... Music sounds as if I put a veil in front of my speakers.

I immediately suspected that VTA was not correct.
When I mounted and adjusted the cartridge, I did set it visually since it always worked for me in the past.
Since it seemed that my usual approach was not working this time, I raised the arm quite high, some 5mm from its initial horizontal position and gradually started to lower it in steps.
Unfortunately, I couldn't hear any significant improvement.
I tried it with dynamic stabilizer brush on and off - no deal breaking difference... (did change the tracking force accordingly)
I actually prefer the sound with the brush in operating position - somehow it is more relaxed.

I started to compare my vinyl to my CDs. I am a big Bowie fan and have all his 70's albums on high quality German pressings and also on these latest 24bit remastered CDs. I ended liking the CDs better!!!
Slightly better resolution and better treble. The rest is pretty much indistinguishable. My CD player is Rotel RCD 1072.

Any thoughts?

I hope that it is only a matter of breaking in!
On the other hand, I don't remember having this kind of experience with my previous carts (which were mostly Ortofon though).
I even bought a spare stylus, since Shure ceased the production of V 15V...

Thanks in advance,



  • Re: Shure V 15Vxmr initial disappointment. Help needed! - manualblock 08:24:08 07/14/05 (0)

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