AR XB1 wire ring mod?

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Posted by Howard [ ] on March 25, 2004 at 06:12:20:

Dear JR and fellow forum members,

Firstly I would like to thank John for his assistance and kind donation of parts.

I must have set up at least five different headshells. All of which have slightly different collars (all completely different to the plastic original) To my dismay none work 2 of them simply did not tighten at all into the arm tube. Those that nearly made it generated a loud hum or at best one channel of audio.

This evening I thought some more and I experimented with split metal pins inserted between the plastic ring and the head-shell notch. My final idea involved a ring of wire inbetween notch and plastic ring. What a complete success!!!! I am delighted since I have found a very easy way of using a none standard headshell with this great old deck. I have included a picture with a close up of the mod. Its actually quite difficult to notice.

Proof that simple ideas are the best.

Best Wishes to all

(Sunshine Coast)


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