Air Tangent 2002 Tonearm

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 10, 2005 at 07:35:35:

Even the best pivoted arms have pretty major problems tracking the grooves on the record. Since all mastering cutterheads are straight line arms then by definition the standard pivoted arm can only be truely accurate at two points on the disc. Tangential arms solve this problem, although they have other issues; the Air Tangent is probably the best arm in existance.
With pivoted arms ever notice how the vocalist is never centered but seems to drift around during playback. That is a result of Skating and the application of Anti-skating design methods. Skating is the force that seeks to pull the tonearm inward as the record rotates. Consequently the arm must be compensated for this force by an equal but opposite force applied to nuetralise this effect.
The fact that records are never perfectly punched on center is another problem. Watch the arm on your table as it plays; the arm shuffles side to side as it suffers from the offcenter placement of the center hole.
This causes the soundstage to shift and drift an effect easily heard in high mass arms as the inertia tries to keep the arm moving after each shift in direction. This can cause damage to the walls of the groove which is cumulative and easily heard.
More issues to come but you can do yourself a favor and try to hear this or any other well designed tangential arm.
BTW the Airtangent lists for about 8500.00$. Are your records worth it?


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