Analogue Belt drive turntables/Platine Verdier

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 27, 2005 at 03:20:22:

Continuing with the Platine Verdier. The motor is sourced from philips but it is not just any run of the mill production motor.It is called a "Low inertia motor",In a low inertia motor the rotor consists of a copper coil; the turns almost parrallel with the rotational axle cutting the field lines of the magnetic circuit,excited by a permanent magnet that is totally fixed. The magnets are mettallic alloy and the brushes and collector are gold-plated.
The rotor turns in fitted and self-lubricating bronze bearings. The motor is DC powered with a simple regulatory circuit that obtains perfect stability.
Sometimes it is good to see why the very expensive belt-drives cost as much as they do.


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