Re: How much are your records worth?

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Posted by Russellc [ ] on May 04, 2005 at 18:06:48:

In Reply to: Re: How much are your records worth? posted by manualblock on May 03, 2005 at 21:22:26:

I burn with nero and it has a leveling feature in it. Very handy when
putting together compilations from various sources. By the way, I saw where they have at least temporarely taken down dimeadozen. Having reviewed the press and communications, it appears their service freaked out when they figured out there was "music trading" going on. They feel confident that once they have a sit down and explain the nature of whats being traded they will be back on line shortly. Some host services just freak at the mention of litigation and shut down, this happened once before when they were located at
these people have done the utmost to not violate any wishes of artists, but this doesn't stop the record companies with whom they record from hiring foriegn lawyers to send around form letters to hosting services, who in turn freak out and shut LEGAL sites who are trying to do it legit. Unbelieveable how sick greedy record companies can be. They are literally enough to make one sick. The grapevine has it that U2's
recording company had a german lawyer send a letter to the hosting service, even though the artists had no gripe. A band as large as U2 should be able to tell their recording company to piss off and quit this sillyness. When will they realize that the digital genie is out of the bottle and can not be put back in. This is much less invasive of their business than recording friend's legit purchased albums and cds. The digital age is a double sided sword for the record companies, and I for one am sick of their tireless whinning. I am going to start buying albums (used) and used cds ONLY! I would encourage everyone to do the same and maybe they will shutup! Holy cow, I can buy blank cds for less than a buck. Lord knows how cheap recording companies can get them for. You would think they would be happy as clams in a market where they can sell the product that costs them a few cents for 12.00 to 20.00! BUT NO!

OK, I'm done



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