Walker Valid Points and New Plastic barrier for turntable Pics.

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on April 13, 2005 at 09:04:48:


I recently purchased some Walker Valid Points for my turntable (Oracle MkIV). These cones are massive. See picture. Actually the picture doesn't do the cones justice. They are big and heavy. By far the nicest cones I have ever seen. They are made of brass and lead. I think they look awesome. They also have improved the sound a little but not by a huge amount. Imaging and clarity seem to be a bit better with the valid points. I must admit though I mostly bought them for looks. I just love the way they look.

As you can see from the picture I also recently added a 1/2" thick Plexiglas dust cover. The dust cover can be used to keep dust off the record while playing but also isolates the turntable from airborne vibration. The dust cover does not touch the maple butcher block that my turntable sits on. I think this if far superior to dust covers that are attached to the turntable. I think attached flimsy dust covers add significant vibration into the turntable. In any case if anyone is interested in purchasing a dust cover like this, you can look in your local yellow pages under "plastic". The one I purchased cost $200.00 I would suggest getting the 1/2" which is big and heavy but vibrates less than thinner plastics.

Adding the above two mentioned items to my turntable, has lifted the sound quality of my system up a notch. Maybe they will work for you.

Mr Vinyl


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