Re: P.S not dj'ing turntable just normal. nt

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Posted by Russellc [ ] on March 27, 2005 at 08:48:27:

In Reply to: Re: P.S not dj'ing turntable just normal. nt posted by manualblock on March 26, 2005 at 12:11:17:

I'm not a fan of direct drives, but many are, especially the technics 1200 series. If buying unrestored, a belt drive will require some attention. Most of the direct drives that need attention i have seen usually will no longer keep speed, which I,myself will not fool with. Most direct drives are plastic ( I know ,not all, Kenwood made belt and direct drive with the "marble like" top which are sought after.)
and mounting an upgrade tonearm is impossible or not worth the problem. Finally, haveing modded a few tables in my day, I simply can not get past having the motor not only not isolated from the platter, but part of it. That said, to just get a table to do the basic work and no more a direct drive may be a good choice, and the turntable factory will be in budget and certainly get the job done. I don't know how they perform but the Dennon direct drives alway LOOKED quality but I never owned or used one. There seems to be a LOT of support for the technics 1200 series out there. With audio, I have always found "cry once and buy the best you can" a good rule of thumb. If you're really into it, (audio that is) vinyle is going to hook you big time and you will be looking for more. While I'm sure some will disagree, and my opinion is only that, a direct drive table has built in design problems which can not be overcome in the way a belt drive can. To wit, there are no "high end" turntables that are direct drive that I am aware of, and while you could probably fill a battleship with things I'm not aware of, it is at least a general trend. With an under 200 dollar budget, most of what I've said is irrelavent anyway for the most part. at 200, you have to compromise, either something that needs attention or unrestored, or something inexpensive...see general rule above.
welcome to vinyle! There is just something about a turntable, very mechanical and by far my favorite component, that is just satisfying.

Regards, Russellc


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