Re: How Often Do YOU Lube platter shaft / motor?

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Posted by Russellc [ ] on February 17, 2005 at 19:28:18:

In Reply to: Re: How Often Do YOU Lube platter shaft / motor? posted by audio origami on February 17, 2005 at 13:14:20:

Looking at my AR manual, and AR manuals from other models on the vinyl nirvana site, 1 year is recommended for them. I guess I'm a little over zealous, but no harm is caused by too frequently changing lubrication, contra not often enough! A quiet background requires a high quality bearing, and any wear or slop transfers directly to the platter, which transfers directly to the cartridge stylus. Your tables manufacturer recommendation was given for a reason, and while it does sound excessive, I'm certain that they recommend that for a reason, why doubt them. There is an "exclusively sansui" site forum on audio karma site perhaps someone there knows why they recommend such frequent oilings. I would otherwise default to the manufacturers recommendations over my or anyone's guess. After all, they did design it. Also, this is a 70's table and lord knows what gunk and build up are in the well. Clean it out ( lint free electonics Q tips) and refill, then follow sansui's advice. leaving it otherwise will raise your noise floor at best, as well as increasing wow and rumble. At worst, it would further damage the bearing.



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