YAHOO!! Got the Ariston RD-11 Superieur set up and playing TUNES

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Posted by BillEpstein [ ] on January 27, 2005 at 17:17:58:

And it's everything I hoped it'd be!
The best table Ariston made, some say better than the concurrent Linn but prolly lost out cause it's kinda UGLY. And Ivor was a better P.T. Barnum.
I'll have to get someone to re-finish the wood... and the cueing lift doesn't work on the SME 3009R. SME has already sent me the fix directions and I have to get some goop from Flatearth to fill it.
But the cart that was thrown in with the admonition that "it prolly won't work after all these years" looked good under 10X so I installed it and it sounds great!
I ordered and installed new Linn "black" (They're called "black" 'cause they're black, as opposed to silver, FYI)springs which really improved the "bounce" and cut all lateral movement. Best of all, the dreaded adjustment of the springs was a snap because unlike those poor Linnies that have to work from underneath, like plumbers and GYN's, the springs are adjusted from screws that come up through the deck while the platter is in place!
And it sounds terrific! Heavy weight bass, wide-open soundstage, lot's of inner detail and the highs, while kinda bright are still lovely. That's prolly the cart, an Signet 5.0E. All the "AM radio" colorations are gone replaced by a really balanced presentation. I haven't listened to a CD since I got it set up.
I grew up with surface noise, ticks and pops so maybe it's easier for me to re-embrace vinyl. It just sounds more life-like, more real. Perhaps there aren't enough ones and zeros to re-create the woody tones of the Cello or the Contralto I just listened to sing the Kindertotenlieder. As soon as I am able, I'm gonna git me one a them fancy cartridges with some a' them there movin coil things.
And, oh yeah, software costs 50 cents and a few minutes at the kitchen sink.


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