My Project 1.2 has difficulty getting started

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Posted by Ionakana [ ] on January 03, 2005 at 11:45:20:

Hi everyone

I have a Project 1.2 turntable, and have absolutely no trouble in operating it at 33rpm. However, when I try to play a 45rpm record, a fairly loud craunching-type sound eminates from the transport assembly, and the table clearly has difficulty in getting up to speed. Once it does get up to speed there doesn't seem to be any problem (and to my ears it does seem to be spinning at the correct speed). Whether the drive belt is slipping or the problem is the motor itself, I cannot tell.

Incidentally, I tried replacing the drive belt with the spare one that was included with the turntable, but still had exactly the same problem. Can anyone shed any light on what the problem might be?

Thanks in advance.


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