Re: Tone arm shapes and Audio Note

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Posted by DRCope [ ] on September 06, 2004 at 08:21:18:

In Reply to: Re: Tone arm shapes posted by manualblock on July 28, 2004 at 08:56:37:

Are you sure about S shaped arms being more accurate? It seems to be that you could draw a straight line between the pivot point and stylus point on an S as well as a straight arm, and that the relationship between them would be constant from lead-in to lead-out.

I agree that matching the arm and cart is of primary importance, and the arm/table match following that.

In the gimbal v unipivot sweepstakes, unipivots give me fits - just a personal thing. As far as gimbal-suspension and solid-uni match-ups, it's worth noting that Naim makes a very fine unipivot which finds application largely on Linns. Art Dudley is a very big long-term fan of that combination, and man has he wrung out the possibilities with a Linn!

FWIW - While I hardly claim to be unbiased regarding Audio Note, I used a Linn for over twenty years; it was the longest running constant in my ever-changing system. The TT One ran circles around it. Speed, articulation, life . . . . You can read MRanfft's impressions on AA.

The TT One is essentially a Systemdek with an upgraded bearing and acrylic platter. (Audio Note bought the rights to the design - all very above board!)

The TT Two is the same, but with two motors, lending greater solidity and constant speed to the game. The result is firmer bass and smoother midrange.

A potential point of interest - the IQ cartridges have interchangeable styli, so you can buy an IQ1, use it while saving up for an IQ2 or 3 stylus, and then change, keeping the 1 stylus for parties, etc.

Another point of interest about the IQ3: The stylus tip and cantilever are the same as that used on the IO1 moving coil which is a couple grand more expensive. Verrrrry detailed and refined sound.


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