best moving magnet

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 25, 2004 at 09:38:36:

Hello All; I see that the Ortofon line is on sale on one of the TT sites. I happen to think the 540II is one of the best sounding MM's, rivaling lots of the MC's for smooth and liquid. It's selling for about 200$. Point of Interest.J.R.( Very good tracker and works in high mass arms.)
Unless of course you have the funds for those Audionote IQ's. Then it's a no brainer.
I still say this DJ cart. from Stanton I bought for 30$ is pretty darn good. All things considored. If you have those old rock records with skips and you don't want to tear your 750$ MC stylus out by the root over some gouge in the groove. Works great in the Technics. I play lots of old Who stuff without fear, the bass is "thundering".
(Resolves as good as some of those Audiophile Approved wimpy cart.)
(Thats right, you know who I mean!)


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