Dual 505 repair questions

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Posted by Stevedor [ ] on June 18, 2004 at 23:45:51:

I've had this turntable for a while, since I was a tyke, and the thing has been through hell while always serving me well... until lately.

The right channel isn't working. The left channel sounds fine. I'm sure its a problem with the turntable, not my amp. I have a suspicion that it could be the stylus or the entire cartridge, since the cartridge seems a bit loose on the tonearm. I no longer have the manual.

What do you recommend? There isn't a good repair shop locally. Should I send it out, or is this something that I can repair myself if I had the proper parts and some directions? I'm not naturally inclined towards electronics, but I can follow instructions. I only want this to work again, nothing too fancy



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