What a fun Saturday....

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Posted by SteveBrown [ ] on March 04, 2007 at 18:32:21:

Buddy Bill E and I spent time on Saturday morning doing some real grunt work on comparing phono cartridges and TT's. Between us we had Bill's Ariston and my Thorens TD-125. Bill's had a SME 3009 w/removable headshell. Mine had a new Audio Technica 1005 Mk II. We tried Bill's Dynavector 10x5, my new Grado Sonata, and my Denon DL-103. The low output cartridges got treated to CineMag step up transformers prior to my home-brew Audible Illusions phono stage, followed by a home-brew Allen Wright line stage. Of the many combinations, I think we agreed that the Grado had a nice toe-tapping, smooth, organic quality that made it really get some play-time, but the Dynavector more than held it's own in the areas of detail and extension. Overall, the conclusion was we had to have multiple tables and cartridges to suite every need (my wife will smack me if she sees that). The Denon, despite current rave reviews, was the last in the brood. By far. Oh, and my extra fun "dark horse" was my recently acquired Garrard RC-98 changer equiped with a Ortofon MC-1 Turbo MC cartridge and new leadouts and a Herbie mat. Otherwise stock. I have to say, for an investment of $9.99, this is a fantastic table. The Bakelite arm is likely going to become something of an iconic classic, once audiophiles catch on. Seriously, it is a really nice to listen to table, less definition than either the Ariston or Thorens, sure, but no glaring problems that I hear --- Bill? Back to serious stuff, overall, it was really an insightful time, and lots of fun to easily switch cartriges around, owing to the "universal" headshell mounts. Thanks Bill, loads of fun (even if the local pub didn't have Newcastle on tap any more). The rest of the wrong side gang, you missed a great adventure! Maybe you can catch up later in the spring when we have the Chili Cookoff and TT Slap Down!


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