turntable adjustment

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Posted by Joshua Beecham [ ] on October 17, 2006 at 07:56:39:

Hey everyone, I am a novice to turntables, but I am trying to learn. I have an old Garrard model 440M multiplay unit that I am trying to "tune up," and I have a couple of basic questions maybe someone could answer for me or point me to a good resource that can.

1) What is the purpose of the 2 big scews, one on the top left and one on the lower right side of the platform that the platter sits on (other than to mount the table to the wooden frame). I noticed that if you turn them all the way to the left they tighten the table down rigid, and if you turn them all the way to the right they allow the table to bounce freely. Are these to be tightened down when you transport the unit, or is their adjustability for some other purpose?

2) I downloaded some information from the web regarding leveling the unit and adjusting the tracking force, but I don't understand what adjustment knobs it is referring to. The arm has a counter weight at the back of it, but it doesn't appear to be adjustable itself. But there are 2 other places where it appears adjustments can be made. There is a sliding lever just to the right and at the back of the arm that has numbers from 1-3 on the left side and 1-5 on the right side. What is that for? There is also an round adjustment knob on the underside of the arm that moves a marker when you turn it, which moves the marker along a scale of 7 vertical slash marks. What is that for? More importantly, where are those to be set at?

I'm sure this all seems too basic to be asking on a forum in which many of you are probably experts, but I didn't know where else to look for the information.

Thanks for any help any of you can give,



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