Crossfader question

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Posted by Andrew [ ] on July 27, 2006 at 19:47:24:

I recently bought a Vestax PMC-270a mixer that had a bleeding crossfader. I just installed a new one (20mm) that has lines that look like this: |||||||||||. On the one that was bleeding, it had a bell shaped curve. I have several questions:
1) What's a good length (20, 45 or 60mm) for hip-hop/electronica DJ's? 20mm right now seems a bit too short
2) My understanding is that there are different mix curves. How do I find out if my mixer supports that, or does the crossfader determine that?
3) Is the PMC-270a okay for both scratching hip-hop and mixing electronica? If not, what's a decent one that's good for beginners/intermediate?



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