Re: thorens td160 tonearm problem

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Posted by kpl [ ] on May 23, 2006 at 04:30:13:

In Reply to: Re: thorens td160 tonearm problem posted by Wayne Parham on May 19, 2006 at 10:51:29:

Thanks,Wayne, for observation and reference to the article. My arm was probably, partly, responsible for the mediocre sound all along. Yet, it managed to produce a purer tone on the tracking ability test track before I cleaned the 3 bearings. Think I upset some adjustment while assembling the arm. Tried various degrees of tightness/looseness in the bearings which resulted in some changes in the left side distortion but wasn't able to get rid of it. The right side is so clean. Am suspecting it to be something related to the anti-bias mechanism which I'm told, involves some magnetic feature. Don't see how I could have caused it to go awry. Thanks again.


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