Alternatives to Technics SL-1200

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Posted by Anonymous [ ] on February 19, 2006 at 16:15:07:

Hello everyone,

I have been here about 2-3 months ago, with my questions about fixing an old Dual CS-505-2 turntable, and later about purchasing a new turntable. Well, I haven't done much with my old turntable (not really into it right now), but I still have a question (many, perhaps) about a NEW turntable (which I haven't yet purchased as well).

The Technics SL-1200 suggested by manualblock is a great one, although some say it is only great for DJing (where the quality of sound is not really important). Personally, I found it too expensive mostly because it has a lot of functions that I am never going to use (and that would bother me as well, more than the fact that I paid too much would). It is a DJ turntable, meaning it has all the functions necessary for scratching and beat matching, while I am looking for a turntable that would simply sound great.

Does anyone know any worthy and less-expensive alternatives to the Technics SL-1200? (I am looking for a new one.)

An ideal one would be a direct-drive turntable and have the same or nearly the same specifications on which the quality of sound depends (signal-to-noise ratio, Wow and flutter, and so on...) and features (three speeds (33, 45, and 78), pitch control, and a stroboscopic light).

...In other words, it would be a turntable that would compromise unnecessary DJ-functions (rather than compromising sound quality) to a lower price.

I have been able to locate one: Need your opinions as well.

Thank you very much!


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