Re: An uninformed post

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on February 02, 2006 at 03:54:42:

In Reply to: Re: An uninformed post posted by Bill Epstein on February 01, 2006 at 21:26:29:

The Ariston is a decent deck; so's Sota; VPI; Well Tempered; it's just the Linn is still avilable and can be upgraded. And of course the musicality.
I'm not really a Dynavector fan. I like the heavy massive MC's low output. If I had the means I would do an EMT, but the Shelter or the Denon is the next best sounding cart now that Fidelity Research is gone the way of the Dodo. Unless I can find another Empire MC gold. After that; Audio Note IQ. Although the Audio Technica ML 150 is for sale at Audio Cubes; thats a possibility in MM carts.
The record shows; those sharks save all the good stuff for e-pay and leave the leavings for the proletariates like us. I walked out of the big one in Manhattan and demanded my money back; they had so much dreck on the floor while they have lists of "Rare and Distinctive recordings; go to their website." But yes; if you can get the good recordings then 18/20$ is more than fair; if you can get them. Really; 35$ is fair for good Jazz comparatively speaking to what they used to cost in real dollars.


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