Re: Buying a turntable

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Posted by John Chleapas [ ] on December 05, 2005 at 17:52:48:

In Reply to: Re: Buying a turntable posted by Anonymous on December 05, 2005 at 15:40:56:

What phono stage preamplifier are you using? What cartridge will you be using? To really get into vinyl it is not that "cheap." If you go very low end you may be less than thrilled with your experience. In my post below I give a link to a site where the guy restores classic Thorens turntables. I have no connection to him but he has a small loyal following. Of course his tables are from 450 to 500. I think you may be much happier to simply find a used Thorens near you for sale. Should be less than 200 for a TD-160. These were excellent tables and you can search for lots of good DIY mods. His restored Thorens has a Rega 300 arm that is worth almost his asking price alone. Do lots of reading to see if this is really for you. I would buy a used belt drive over most dd tables. The exception are the Denon tables. I got my Dad a new DP-47F a few years ago. With the Denon 103d cartridge it is very good sounding. Not up to my Well Tempered Classic, or my Ariston tables but nice nontheless. Used tables will give you more bang for the buck over cheap new production turntables. Take your time and find one that is known to be working near you to avoid the heartache of shipping damages. Too many people are clueless on how to pack and ship a table. Good luck! john


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