Some more answers.

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Posted by Poindexter [ ] on May 08, 2005 at 22:44:07:

In Reply to: Re: Some answers. posted by Mark Williams on May 05, 2005 at 18:01:48:

Jarrah is dry, hard, brittle.  It glues up with PVA (I use Titebond II) very well. Walnut, Cherry, Maple are noble woods; do not say 'stuck'.  Maple is one of my all time fave woods.

The 6P1P is not a 6AQ5, any more than the 6AQ5 is a 6V6.  It'a a mystery to me why these two devices have been touted as equivalent on the auction sites; since they do not even have the same basing or envelope.  I sympathize; I have been corresponding with a gentleman in G. Britain about his Svet (real, St. Pete) 6AQ5's for a week now, and they are actually not, they're 6P1P's and will not fit my gear.  Strange.

I did not select this tube, it selected me.  I was looking for a line amp tube with lower (about ten) mu, and lower (about 2K) rp, and saw it in the tube manual.  Beam tube, but I've been using beam tubes and pentodes in triode since day one, so hey.  Looking on the vendor sites, I saw that it shifts typically for $2-5, so how could I lose?  First guess, whooda thunk it would be so fab?  I got quad of brand-matched quads from Alltronics, and they made de Poinz look so-o smart.  Don't tell, now.



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