Poor Ella, the unwanted Amp

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Posted by BillEpstein [ ] on January 22, 2005 at 12:12:20:

There have been 2 for sale on Audiogon for awhile. One debuted at over $900 and is modded to the max. But it's like putting $100,000 in remodel to a $60,000 house on a street of $60,000 houses.
The other is $600 which is less than the delivered price of the kit with tubes.
Unless they're Bottlehead or Wellborne amp kits are a tough sell. But the so-so lower end of the Antique line sells immediately as does out and out junk like some un-named other far-eastern amps.
I can't see parting with mine; lot's of mods yet to be done and Push-Pull is way under-rated. Maybe if it was called 'double-ended'.....?


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