Strange old amp

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on October 03, 2004 at 09:00:16:

Poking around the net and I found a group of guys building this amp modeled on an old topology from the 50's that seems a little odd. These people say the amp sounds fantastic with great bass and very smooth. The amp goes by the name Compact and the schematic can be found on Triodeels website. It is a push pull EL 84 tube rectified with a single tube driver stage. The amp has no phase inverter, the output tubes act as their own phase inverters. Only one of the output tubes provides power so only 11 volts are requird to drive the output stage. Any line level source will drive the amp to rspectable levels with a single driver tube in the input stage.
The cathode resistor provides local feedback and does not use a by-pass cap. Total of 3 tubes plus rec. tube and a total of 11 passive parts. Power trans and output trans and a choke and you are done. I found it interesting and should be super cheap to build and very simple to boot. Total output about 6 watts.


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