Re: Tubey Amps?

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Posted by Russellc [ ] on October 02, 2004 at 15:13:24:

In Reply to: Re: Tubey Amps? posted by akhilesh on October 01, 2004 at 16:29:59:

It may be my imagination, but my tube amps sound more "tubey" ( at least on my 4 0hm speakers) when hooked up to the 8 ohm taps. However, I also tend to use my 8 ohm on the 8 ohm taps! go figure. I am now going to switch my A7s to the 16 ohm taps for a try. I also have been meaning to dig up an old issue of Positive Feedback that had an article called "tap dancing". As I recall you needed a bi-wire setup, but it utilized all the taps, 4,8,and16 ohm at the same time. It showed more than one configuration, one with a more neutral sound, and others that emphasized the frequency extremes a little more. The authours argument was that speakers do not present a steady resistance, but one that varies with frequency, so hooking up to just one tap was a compromise at best, the other outputs being wasted. Plus, you could taylor sound just a little.
If any are interested in this lunacy, I will try to locate the old issue? I have also wondered as to the effect of which tap on the output the feedback is connected to. My welbourne mod of the dyna st 70 moved this connection from the 16 ohm tap to the 8 ohm tap.

More things to drive yourself nuts with,



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