Vintage amp "fuzzies"

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Posted by jim denton [ ] on June 22, 2004 at 16:07:02:

Since I am still a "paid up in full dues payin' member" I goota throw 2 cents in the pot and add another wrinkle----for the newbie guys (like me) getting into the vintage amps (and receivers) on the cheap so as to be able to hear the differences of a EL84 or a 7189 tube is an excellent listening experience---to much of our learning info is not experiencial--we read it or listen to what others think about the qualities of this or that amp---(or speaker)---I now have 4 amps --and I have had the same experinece as Dave- my Sansui 500A reciever has a most pleasing sound (great soundstage and DETAIL!) I was listening last evening back to back Nora Jones from the B & K and Dahlaquist DQ-10's (not to shabby!) to the Sansui (tues now -7189A--) and Fostex FRD and though I have not the years ,friends, I am getting those EARS!---The room was pitch black but I just knew she was right there just a few feet away!---it ws doing what Music is supposed to do----make ya feel!!! Can I get a Amen!? JD


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