Re: Darling amp done

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Posted by Norris Wilson [ ] on February 12, 2009 at 01:51:33:

In Reply to: Darling amp done posted by Shane on January 11, 2009 at 01:09:45:

"A big thanks to Norris for all the help he's provided over the last two years. I think we are friends because we are both the quintissential procrastinators!!!!"

Shane, you've got that right, but I am worse than you at procrastination.

Thanks for sharing all of your time and pictures with me during this build. I enjoyed it allot, and learned something too in the process.

BTW, it looks as if you finished on my birthday, or posted here on that day.

I could not asked for a nicer birthday present.

congratulation on a job well done.

Now, on to the next mess, I mean amp. That is if you let me help you it is a mess.



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