Re: Scott 299C and 7591 tubes

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Posted by SteveBrown [ ] on December 18, 2007 at 16:39:06:

In Reply to: Re: Scott 299C and 7591 tubes posted by theo on December 18, 2007 at 16:20:28:

Well, I think a great table is a similar vintage AR XA, which is the older of the AR line. This is a suspension table, similar in design to the Linn or Thorens kinds of tables. It does not work as well if you have bouncy floors, but given a good foundation, or shelf mount, it is a very nice table. I happen to have one sitting in a closet doing nothing ... Or, any of the Thorens tables are excellent. Most of the ARs and Thorens are going to be easy to get into (low $$). They're not as sexy looking as, say, a VPI Scout, but I've owned a Scout and I choose other tables for their sonics and eventually sold the Scout. It's hard to go wrong with the basic Thoren's design of a belt driven, suspended table and that's why you see so many others mimic it.


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