Re: Unity Gain Preamp

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Posted by PakProtector [ ] on January 06, 2007 at 20:03:57:

In Reply to: Unity Gain Preamp posted by FredT on December 16, 2006 at 05:06:32:

While it doesn't look like anything's wrong, you should be able to do a whole lot better for a bit less. Go +120 and -25 for your supply. Rig a pentode as the cathode follower. 6EJ7 perhaps? 6AC7? 12HL7? Resistive drop for the g2 and cap bypass to the cathode. 2-4 uF should do it. Rig a CCS for the load, and cap couple the output. The tubes are cheap, and voltages will allow easy Schottky diode rectifiers.

you could buy it...but I suspect you'd rather listen to your own creation.

or look in the projects folder in GroupBuild, I put a schematic there for a buffer pre...:) TX coupled and no caps in the output. The Ni-cored output TX's are -1 dB at 2 MHz!


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