Re: Have to tell you about Obbligato capacotors

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 18, 2006 at 09:03:50:

In Reply to: Have to tell you about Obbligato capacotors posted by bill epstein on September 17, 2006 at 18:26:15:

I wish there would be a serious discussion on caps. I have replaced and restored and re-capped lots of equipment. I now am not so sure they do anything that really helps the sound once you have decent caps installed. Now I have a shelf of oil and mundorf and auricaps and Jensen and others and I just use Orange Drop 716's for all my re-build amps. Can't say there is any real lack of quality of sound using them 2$ caps.
I wish I could becuase caps are relatively inexpensive compared to other parts and if they made a serious difference it would be a great way to improve an amp. Easy to do and reasonably cheap.
Alas; it doesn't seem to go that way.
Could be my ears; I don't know. Maybe in the PS it works better. But coupling caps? Drops sound good to me. And filter caps; I don't hear any real noticeable difference.
I am not disputing your experience; I would love to be able to justify the expense.


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