Re: The Yokes on me

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Posted by Damir [ ] on February 11, 2006 at 11:15:07:

In Reply to: Re: The Yokes on me posted by manualblock on February 11, 2006 at 10:10:29:

I hope there`s a sonical benefit, I didn`t try them so far - but my experiments with SE amp components convinced me that almost everything is audible
I just tried the grid chokes - there`s a nuance or two difference then 220k grid leak resistor. Little more that "3-D feeling", clarity and warmth. And yes, it`s better for output tube and for the driver, larger AC load. Amplification of the cascode goes "up" about 10%, and sound has more "finesse" :-). I can`t hear any loss of HF (Cw of the grid choke and rel. high Rout of the driver "filter"), but sound is maybe a little too "warm/soft" for my liking - more experiments are in order .
Not a "night and day" difference, I said just a this worth that money? In my view, absolutely...


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