Re: 300B Power Supply Help

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Posted by SteveBrown [ ] on January 22, 2006 at 20:40:26:

In Reply to: 300B Power Supply Help posted by rigma on January 20, 2006 at 10:46:07:

Just wondering why power supplies on seperate chassis? I've tried this before and sorting out ground loops, finding appropriate connectors for the Ht, and the bulk of the extra chassis all made it seem less that worthwhile. I'd also ask why the Angela 91? I have made it (along with a dozen or more other 300B designs) and it always seemed less dynamic and a bit wooly to me. Have you tried other designs? While you didn't ask, I'll tell you what I've landed on as one of the best SE designs I've ever found... use a WE 417a, loaded with a 10k, 12w mills run about 10ma of current and 150v on the plate. Cap couple that to the 300b and presto! Fantastic amp!! Even better, do this with 2A3's, and/or replace the 10k with a good CCS and direct couple it. Power supply? I use cap input, one choke, a couple hundred uf's (10uf + 10H + 200uf) and you're good to go. I'll tell you, adding additional chokes and caps has been, in my experience (and verified with scope and loads of experiments), a waste of time and money. Anyway, just my 0.02 worth. YMMV..


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