Re: New tungsols and a POSITIVE note

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Posted by Russellc [ ] on October 15, 2005 at 11:48:02:

In Reply to: Re: New tungsols from SRS and what happened... posted by Russellc on October 12, 2005 at 18:33:35:

My new set has settled in nicely over the past few days and if durability proves to be good, are a winner. My previous favorites have been the SED 6550c and SED KT88. My last couple of sets were 6550c, but these new issue 6550 tungsols really remind be more of the KT88. Big Ballsy sound, with a little more energy on top. Tighter than the SED, with maybe a bigger sound. If they have the duability of the SED, I will give a big thumbs up. The SED 6550C is a great tube, very durable, and considerably cheaper than the tungsol reissue. Hopefully, the reissue will be just as reliable, we will see. Plus They are just way cool looking!



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