Re: mmmmmhhhh....

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Posted by PakProtector [ ] on October 03, 2005 at 17:33:14:

In Reply to: Re: mmmmmhhhh.... posted by manualblock on October 03, 2005 at 07:26:09:

I suppose it would depend on the definition of as cheap as possible. Take some common wisdom: pentodes suck, triodes are best. Or another fav: NFB is bad, only open loop can sound good. Or my least fav: SE is best and PP( I'll leave it to your imagination to fill in the proper curses ).

I think you have to pick something which can work. Cheap for cheap's sake is not what I had in mind...

There is also the matter of what constitutes good enough. That there are folks out there who can be happy with something out of the commercial, 60's OEM gear makes me sort of curious. It clearly point to a wide spread of personal taste. this is a good thing. ifit weren't so, it would be easy to pick your performance bracket with a check-book. how good do you want it to sound? concults list...that will be n*10^a, with n and a being determined by the linear cost matrix....


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