Me Want Valve Amp. 8^)

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Posted by Dave Williams [ ] on May 29, 2005 at 11:23:39:

So, after a couple of years of contemplation, I'm getting serious about getting a tube amp; probably a kit. Now I know the "which tube amp kit" thread has been done about a gazillion times, but I hope I can appeal to folks here for some more thoughts.

Basically, I'd say my budget is $750-$800 or so. Musical tastes are all over the map; jazz and fusion of all kinds, classic and progressive rock (old and new), various acoustic ensembles, and burgeoning interest in choral and orchestral.

I'm after balance and good extension both directions, good speed and detail, but doesn't need to be the last word (still want CD's listenable, please). Sloppy bass is a major pet peeve, and I don't like systems that are too bright.

Currently under consideration are:

DIY Hi-Fi Ella or Joplin 2A3

* I'm very intrigued by the SET thing, but I won't have the budget to go after new speakers for a while, and my current speaks are only around 91 db/1W which isn't going to cut it. I really like various small-scale acoustic music, but I also like to rock out sometimes and listen to a fair amount of pretty demanding music, although not at huge volumes. Also, while I'd like to try some of Wayne's speakers when I DO go for new ones, I'm not sure I want to be constrained to only uber-high efficiency speakers; the open-baffle thing is something I'd really like to try.

So here are some specific questions people can maybe help with; or maybe not, 8^):

- Anyone heard both Ella and Joplin that can compare?
Obviously stock Ella has bags more power, but various things I've read indicate that the thing to do with Ella is wire her in triode mode with no feedback which comes in I guess around 12W or so. So I'm curious how they'd compare in that configuration where the power differential is limited.

- How might Ella and Stoetkit stack up against each other fidelity-wise? Respective scope for upgrades?

- I recall that someone on here (Bill E., I think?) has an Ella that has seen significant experimentation/upgrade. Curious about how, with some energy expended, the sound has progressed, and how you feel it stacks up to the other players in the field.

- I'd prefer not to have to shell out for a preamp as well. As I understand it, the Ella now has 2 pairs inputs, although is passive volume control. Is that the same deal with Stoetkit, Jr.?

- What options am I not considering that I should be?

Thanks for any and all responses.




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