Story of A sick boy

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 01, 2005 at 21:33:41:

This comes from a book written by an American who was sent to France on Business for three years in the early 2000's.
" Early in December my son fell ill; sicker than I ever want to see him again. We packed him off to his pediatrician; Dr. Pierre Bitoun. We called and he picked up the phone himself as he always does. Hearing the symptoms he ordered we bring him in immediately. Dr Bitoun looked worried as hell and told us to get him to a surgeon right away. We picked up our son and traveled to the hospital where the grave eyed surgeon who had just emerged from a operation examined him without a break; he pronounced that he did not have appendicitous but was very sick and we shoulsd get him to the childrens hospital for a full workup. All this inside of less than an hour. We raced to the hospital and entering into a crowded emergency room; showed the girl our Carne' De Sante' and his record of innoculations and so forth. The girl at the desk barely looked at the documents; called on the phone and within an hour Luke had a sonogram, and x-ray and a barium enema and various other tests as well as being examined by three other doctors.
Two and a half hours later we were back home with a diagnoses and a remedy,( he had had salmonella poisoning.)

It was only after we had left the hospital that we realised that not only had we not paid a penny; but that no one asked us to show our insurance; fill out a ten page form, or anyother of the humiliating things our friends back in the states would have had to do to get treatment for their sick kid. None of the procedures had to be run by the profit and loss manager of some HMO.
This is socialised medicine that the insurance lobby has patriotically kept us from suffering under all these years."

One mans truth amongst all the lies.


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