Re: The Numbers You quote do not include state and local as well as excise taxes

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on October 14, 2005 at 12:49:01:

In Reply to: To Manual and Bill... posted by Mr Vinyl on October 14, 2005 at 10:00:39:

When the Federal Govt cuts taxes the state and locals as well as Property Taxes to fund the schools since the fed cut their funding; repairs of roads and infrastructure because the Feds cut the funding etc etc; must take up the slack.

The money must come from somewhere. If the Fed doesn't pay the locals must. Your figures do not include that so they are meaningless.

The records are easy to find; the tax rate's for income top off at 35% which for the privildge of living here is not unreasonable. The top 25% pay 85% of the taxes is indoubt for now.
Why should Capital Gains; which I showed you what percentage of the population make most of their money from, be taxed at the 15% rate while the working mans income is taxed at the 35% rate?
And please; those analogies are very tedious to read thats why I stay away from anologous debate. Number's will do.
The numbers


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