Global Warming in Tulsa?

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Posted by Dean Kukral [ ] on April 05, 2004 at 16:18:15:

This is for you Tulsa guys.

I live in Wichita, and it seems like the weather has been much better in the last 15 years or so. Tulsa is not too far South, and I wonder if the same is true there, too.

It seems like in the 70's and 80's we got a lot more snow. It still snows, but not nearly as much. (Or, so it seems.) Also, it got to 5 below regularly and occasionally hit 20 below, but now does a "touch and go" (aircraft practice landing) to zero maybe once a year. Rarely dips below 10.

So is the Summer hotter? No, I think it is better. I remember when it got to 115; it regularly got to 108 or 109. Now, it rarely goes over 100. Maybe gets to 105 for a day or two.

It just seems better. All year long.


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