Re: To ManualBlock and others interested in our tax debate...

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on October 13, 2005 at 11:19:33:

In Reply to: Re: To ManualBlock and others interested in our tax debate... posted by manualblock on October 13, 2005 at 10:40:16:

I can find the site. Can't find the information you are talking about on it. How about highlighting it, go to edit, click on copy. Then come here and paste the information in?

Where did I say the rich don't have shelters and use them?
You haven't described what they are. Please show me that.

You say: "You continue to insist that one page of charts tells the whole tax story; when you know thats not possible."

One page of charts shows everything that is needed for this discussion. It was made by the US treasury to show the exact thing that I am trying to prove to you. That is that the wealthiest pay almost all of the taxes. That's why all the info is there. If you can prove any of wrong please do but show where you got the info from with a link or cut and paste.

"The 128k figure is listed prominently on the IRS.Gov site under tax rates percapita."

This is not what you said. You said it came from the site I provided. Also I can find no such heading on the web site. Show me.

"How can I respond responsibly when I offer you an example and you disregard it claiming you can't find that site..which is the first listing on google for IRS. "

I can find site. I cannot find the info you claim is coming from there. How can I respond to you if I can find the info you claim comes from that site? Cut and paste show me. Paste a link.

"It appears no one gives a shit anyway which is sad because other than Bill we could have some input into something of value. This is too much work just to refute one guy's opinion."

This is the problem. It's not my opinion. I backed up my statements. You back up yours.

"I ask you give a response to the facts of the top 400 and what they pay in taxes. If you do that I can continue; but as of now it seems you ain't listening to anything I say."

See above.

"I even broke my own rule and linked it for you."

Which link was that? I didn't see any. Or are you now speaking of the link you posted from the non IRS site?

"Under Bush we the middle class are paying in total of all taxes more than ever and the rich pay less; the rich being those whose income; as I showed exceeds the top 1% of earners."

Not true see above.

"Can you explain the 10% of earned income VS the 70% of capital gains and how lowering the capital gains rate has resulted in the rich getting much better return on their money than the middle class; thats an easy one and we both agree on the rate so what gives?"

Yes, again look above.


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