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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on October 11, 2005 at 09:41:20:

In Reply to: Re: This is 180 degrees wrong.... posted by manualblock on October 11, 2005 at 08:44:44:

Getting frustrated here.

Try to understand Manual ok? Give it your best shot. Here is the quote from the site. Ready? Read carefully now. Here we go...

"the top 5 percent of taxpayers paid more than one-half (53.3 percent) of all individual income taxes, but reported roughly one-third (32.0 percent) of income."

Now if the top 5% paid 53.3% of all individual income taxes (a small minority of people paying over 50% of the taxes taken in.) And only made 32% of the income (not the 40% you stated) then that means 95% (a vast majority of the people.) Paid only 46.7% of all individual income taxes taken in at the same time making 68% of the income.

So let me try to simplify this as much as possible for you. Ready? He we go....

Top 5% made 32% of the income - Paid 53.3% of all taxes

Bottom 95% made 68% of the income - Paid 46.7% of all taxes

Ok? Get it? Not fair see? If it were fair the people making 68% of income would pay 68% of the taxes. Do you think it's fair that a group of people who make only 32% of the income should pay 53.3% of the taxes?

But let's stay on point! The thing you are supposed to be showing me is that the wealthiest people only pay 5%-8% in income taxes. This is what you stated and what you are supposed to be proving.

On top of this you are also suppose to be disproving the fact that the Bush tax cuts actually resulted in the rich paying more taxes and not less as you complain about, the "so called" tax cuts for the rich.


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