Have we considered omitting the Dungeon?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 07, 2005 at 21:28:52:

I am in favor of converting it into a dedicated photo forum available for interesting photo's of personal interest to the members.
Not so much in the self-agrandising mode but more along personal experiences like Damir's. I wouldn't mind seeing some of your pics of traveling around the Southwest; you know things like that with short narration. I like good landscape and items of interest pics. And certain quality build photo sets; as an example Garman and Electratig and Douglas have good construction sequences. I think it can be tied into audio in the sense that people would reflect on travel/music and life in a photographic essay style.
I don't see that done anywhere; maybe because no one would be interested but who knows? You never know until you try.
But I personally like them personalised not proffessional photos from the print media.
My objection was always the repitition and self-absorbtion; but good photo's are a joy to see and there are many here who have a knack for that sort of thing. Not five guys lined up looking self concious; but nice compositions of things of interest.
I just see now that there is no pschycic payback in arguing current events; it goes nowhere in a hurry. It forces people to adopt a paradigm with no tagline. Don't get me wrong; I love to argue political theory but this is pre-empted by time and distance; there is no shared experience and therefor no reference point.
Maybe the tower could be issues of epiphanic reflection; like why the Rolling Stones are still alive.
And we need some stories; there are not enough stories tying the guys in with their musical listening habits.
Couple thoughts because I started school and won't have time to argue politics for a while.


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