Looks Like Fats found his thrill

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 02, 2005 at 07:36:51:

They rescued Fats Domino from the Flood. Good to see the guy is still around.
What should be done about looting?
Is it looting if you only take stuff you need to survive?
If you grab a TV while you are at it is that crossing the line?
If you are carrying only food and water and supplies should you be prosecuted?
Should the Police be forced to make a descision regarding what catagory of spoils you have and how that should impact whether they shoot you or not?
I admitt; this is a tough one.
I say if it's supplies they let you go. But if you are in an electronics boutique; maybe thats too much. But then you make the Police judge and Jury.

I still say our National Gaurd should have been here in force; not the little paltry groups of 10k they use now. That would have solved most of the problem.


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