Re: Beg to differ, but......

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 15, 2005 at 16:15:28:

In Reply to: Re: Beg to differ, but...... posted by colinhester on August 15, 2005 at 15:58:42:

There we differ my friend; the majority of the populace did not back his agenda. He was not even elected by the majority of the populace. The majority voted for Kerry in actual numerical count.
She came back a year later as a result of the death of her son; change of circumstance gives her another shot by my rules. And Moore did not start this, she did.
I don't know what the system of checks and balances has to do with the President invoking executive priveledge and going to war without the consent of Congress.
You guys are too young to remmember Vietnam or you might have a different take on this.
Lets return to the simple life and simple thoughts. Why are we there?
Does the concept of oil enter this picture for anyone; or is there a reason I am not aware of?


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