Re: Truth from fiction

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 15, 2005 at 13:25:03:

In Reply to: Truth from fiction posted by Wayne Parham on August 15, 2005 at 12:06:53:

Where I disagree is this; the German people were not Nazi's. The Nazi's were a political organisation that came to power as a result of the treaty of Versailles which mandated the surrender of much of the German lands and ability to produce the means of survival. The people were left with no way to manufacture or produce goods and as such became poverty stricken. Their reaction was to enable a hardcore fascist regime to be appointed that promised to rectify these injustices. They shouted "Deutschland Uber Alles" and created a mighty army to take back what was theirs. Unfortunatelly at times like these men with meagre souls and bitter hatreds; supported and manipulated by powerfull and wealthy iconoclasts seeking wealth and fortune gain power because only the most extreme view is able to act quickly and efficiently and when a man feels wronged he will fight to get even. So against the will of the majority of right thinking Germans they put an idiot inpower; someone who spoke simply and firmly about Germanies place in the world and how eachn German must stand up and support the country regardless of whether they did right or wrong.
And If you questioned their logic they questioned your patriotism; you were not a good citizen and did not support your country if you protested against the political power of the party.
Therefor the good Germans shut up due to fear of seeming not to support and defend their country. Soon the SS made it a condition of living; that you swear allegience to the Fuehrer and march to the mass meetings to hear a nitwit shout nonsense. The intelligent Germans faded into the background because they were men of thought and the party wanted men of action.
This is a long story but very true and accurate.


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