BTK Killer

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Posted by Dean Kukral [ ] on July 10, 2005 at 23:26:02:

You may have seen on the news that Dennis Rader, the BTK ("Bind, Torture, Kill") killer who has brutally murdered ten people in the Wichita area over the last thirty years, has finally been captured.

He liked media attention and would send stuff to the local tv stations and paper. (For example his poems and objects taken from the dead people.)

He asked the police if it was safe for him to send them a floppy disk with info on it. He said, "be honest." They said "yes" via a classified ad. He sent them a floppy. Under examination of the deleted files area, it was found that the floppy had been used by a local church. Also the name "Dennis" appeared in it. These were the clues that lead to his final capture. He was president of the church (or something).

After capture, he suggested to the police lieutenant heading the investigation for many years that they had a good understanding and wanted to know why the police lied. The lieutenant said, "Because you are a serial murderer and we were trying to capture you.


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