Re: Qucik Tips on Better Photos

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 27, 2005 at 14:56:30:

In Reply to: Qucik Tips on Better Photos posted by GarMan on June 27, 2005 at 14:11:24:

Fred T does good photos. Ask him how he does his. Just please take pictures under the hood; it gets redundant staring at amps. At least with some circuit photo's you might learn something. Problem is just by doing a short and simple search on the net you can get to see pictures of pretty much every possible iteration of equipment known to man.
I like helpfull text posts myself. Too many photo's and it looks like a gallery; which really is where the pics should go, like on other foruums. When every post is a pic you have to wade through endless posts to get to information you can use.
Unless everyone likes to look at pics instead; then the problem is solved. If you want info you just have to look elsewhere.

Around here the quickest way to clear everyone out of a party is to bring out the pics. Just say you have some nice vacation photos and watch the concept of quantum theory in action; thats how fast they run. Except for the unawares guy coming out of the bathroom who gets collared and has to be the bobblehead doll for an hour.
Many use that strategy when guests stay too late.


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