Re: The Passion - Mel Gibson

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Posted by artsybrute [ ] on February 19, 2004 at 22:58:12:

In Reply to: Re: The Passion - Mel Gibson posted by wunhuanglo on February 19, 2004 at 20:07:06:

Now that you asked...

Mel Gibson says he was close to suicide before making this movie and that it saved his soul. He also says that his wife will burn in Hell because she isn't Catholic.

Contrary to the Church's doctrines and historians like Flavius Josephus, he portrays Pilate as the poor civil servant devoid of choice and the Jews as evil, and he shows them as physically similar to Jews of today. At a time when anti-semitism is so rampant in Europe that the French police do not even investigate the murder of Jewish schoolchildren in their playgrounds, and when terrorists are trying to turn anti-semites to their cause, this film is not very well timed, to say the least.

I'm not against paying ballplayers a quarter billion dollars, or actors even more for their services. And the truth is that Mel Gibson is one of my favorite actors. I had the Road Warrior before it even came out in the US. But he's a nut (who usually plays nuts in his movies) and should not be trusted with displaying his own version of the events, especially at this time, just to make himself feel better. Not when it could result in the forfeiture of lives and social unity.

He says he loves all peoples, and that we all are sinners including Jews. But that does not give him the right to single them out to show the rest of the world why they are sinners. Just because he claims it wasn't his "intention" to single them out does not mean that he isn't doing great harm.

And I don't even blame him. Before Hollywood, acting used to be considered a very low-class method of earning a living. Now we turn actors into role models. At what point did we vet them for ethics and intelligence?

We're the idiots.


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