Re: Subtitle: "How about a nice cup of who gives a shit?"

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Posted by mike.e [ ] on May 09, 2005 at 04:31:18:

In Reply to: Subtitle: "How about a nice cup of who gives a shit?" posted by Wayne Parham on May 09, 2005 at 03:17:04:

Its quite funny to listen to!

I simply cant believe that sighted tests produce anything useful when your trying to make an unbiased decision.

Stereophile editor then complains that ABX testing is designed to produce null results ! haah and further considers that ABX testing shuts off parts of the brain -so your being too analytical and not listening to the music I guess!bahh

Also,I just dont get any information from some one else describing what the music sounds like!

At one point arny makes a point,to which stereophile editor can only reply 'ok...........lets open the floor for more questions'



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